Ecoraster and Eco-Friendly Paving
For our generation, the term eco-friendly is very important to people when they are choosing products.
Consumers are looking for products that are environmentally friendly, have minimal impact on the environment, both during production and after the life-span of the product or project is completed.
Is it made with a low-carbon footprint?
Will there be waste when it is disposed of? Can it be recycled? Can it be reused?
Is it sustainable? What is truly sustainable?
Is it supportive of green building practices?
Permeable paving alternatives are becoming more mainstream and accepted throughout Ontario and throughout Canada and North America as a whole as the next step towards LID, Low Impact Development, and green infrastructure.
Requirements to manage storm water on site are being mandated by the municipal authorities. In fact in Ontario, the guidelines are changing this fall.
Unlike some other eco-friendly industries and LEED friendly products, permeable paving does not always have to be more expensive than traditional paving surfaces.
Products such as Ecoraster are cost beneficial for many reasons, ensuring you can achieve your eco-friendly storm water management goals in an affordable and truly sustainable manner.
Ecoraster ticks all the boxes of an eco-friendly product
The engineered grid system is manufactured in a low carbon footprint manner in a true green-field factory. Recycling, reusing, minimal water and energy input and output are all very important factors in the manufacturing process.
Ecoraster is manufactured using 100% recycled post-consumer plastics such as grocery bags and agriculture film. It is a sophisticated material to recycle but ensures that the finished product will be winter-friendly, retaining both strength and flexibility even under extreme cold conditions.
Any foreign materials that are included accidentally in the bales of recycled plastics, are given to other recycling facilities or are paid to be disposed of.
For temporary type applications, Ecoraster can then be reused or recycled after the life-span of the project is completed.
LID Permeable Paving and Ecoraster – Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly
If the essence of sustainability is durability and long life span, then Ecoraster is truly sustainable.
Ecoraster is guaranteed for 20 years, although the life expectancy is considerably longer than that. Ecoraster is also a low maintenance product and will not need regular vacuuming, resealing, crack or pothole repair or repainting of parking lines.
It is rare that conventional paving surfaces last that long, especially without costly repairs and maintenance.
Ecoraster, like other permeable paving systems can be installed in such a way that extra drainage infrastructure such as costly downspouts can be totally avoided.
Managing storm water on site, where it lands reduces the volume of run off entering the sewer infrastructure as well as greatly reduces the pollutants that enter the natural water bodies through storm water run off; truly a win-win situation!
Added to that, especially with the Ecoraster system which is more than 95% open surface, is the great and notable reduction in winter salt which is needed. Salt is commonly used throughout Toronto and the GTA during the winter months due to the common melt-freeze cycle found with surface water on solid surfaces. This melt-freeze cycle is not common with Ecoraster because the surface water will most often percolate into the permeable gravel base beneath the Ecoraster layer.
Ecoraster can also be used in remote locations and in areas with narrow and difficult access, making it the perfect solution for parks, camp sites, northern communities and island areas.
Ecoraster can also be installed without worry or concern in areas close to natural waters due to its neutral characteristics including fish toxicity neutrality.
Permeable paving is an LID alternative that has many benefits and can be including in many different applications; residential, commercial and industrial. The environmental benefits of permeable paving are multi-facetted and impactful.
Ecoraster is a permeable paving system that is manufactured in an eco-friendly manner and is also a durable and reliable product that is truly sustainable.
If you are looking for a permeable paving product, then Ecoraster is one that ticks all of the boxes!